CNNE 698156 - mira la devastacion que dejo dorian en las bahamas
Bahameños desafían los vientos de Dorian y salen al rescate de sus vecinos
01:32 - Fuente: CNN

(CNN) – El Ministerio de Defensa de Reino Unido ha publicado imágenes aéreas del daño de Dorian en la isla Gran Abaco en las Bahamas. Fueron captadas desde el helicóptero Royal Navy Wildcat.

La isla fue una de las primeras en ser golpeada por el huracán Dorian después de convertirse en un huracán de categoría 5.

El helicóptero había estado realizando vuelos de reconocimiento sobre las islas para evaluar el daño y proporcionar información importante al gobierno de las Bahamas.

Al menos 7 personas murieron cuando Dorian devastó las islas.

Mira la destrucción que dejó a su paso el huracán Dorian:

Ariel image of the island Great Abaco, the island was one of the first to get hit by Hurricane Dorian after she turned in to a category 5 hurricane. RFA Mounts is embarked with a Wildcat helicopter that has been conducting reconnaissance flights over the islands to assess the damage and provide important intelligence to The Bahamian government and the team of DFID experts who have deployed to the region. 

RFA Mounts Bay is equipped with a dedicated Humanitarian and Disaster Relief team made up of personnel from the Royal Engineers and Royal Logistic Corps team and is carrying vital aid and specialist equipment, such as all-terrain quads, dump trucks, diggers and stores. The ship is also able to provide essential medical care.
CNNE 698389 - humanitarian and disaster relief (hadr) for hurricane dorian
Ariel image of the island Great Abaco, the island was one of the first to get hit by Hurricane Dorian after she turned in to a category 5 hurricane. RFA Mounts is embarked with a Wildcat helicopter that has been conducting reconnaissance flights over the islands to assess the damage and provide important intelligence to The Bahamian government and the team of DFID experts who have deployed to the region. 

RFA Mounts Bay is equipped with a dedicated Humanitarian and Disaster Relief team made up of personnel from the Royal Engineers and Royal Logistic Corps team and is carrying vital aid and specialist equipment, such as all-terrain quads, dump trucks, diggers and stores. The ship is also able to provide essential medical care.