Jake Patterson
Jake Patterson confesó haber asesinado a una pareja y secuestrar a la hija
01:01 - Fuente: CNN

(CNN) - Jayme Closs and her mother hid in the bathtub after a man dressed in black showed up at her house. One shot sounded as they huddled together.

The 13-year-old girl from Wisconsin said she knew they had just killed her father, who had gone to the door. Soon after he would shoot his mother.

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The teenager told the authorities about the terrifying 88 days she was in captivity, which began on the night when the man identified by prosecutors as Jake Patterson burst into his house and killed his parents. The nightmare ended when he escaped last Thursday.

The Barron County District Attorney’s office released Jayme’s account on Monday against Patterson, who made his first appearance in court to face charges of intentional homicide, kidnapping and armed robbery. A judge set bail at 5 million dollars.

Patterson has confessed to killing Jayme’s parents, James and Denise Closs, in the home outside the city of Barron, and Jayme’s kidnapping, according to the complaint.

The suspect ‘broke the bathroom door’

Patterson first saw Jayme on his way to work one day. He was arrested behind a school bus and saw her board it, according to the complaint. He told authorities he had no idea who Jayme was, but he said “I knew that was the girl he was going to take”.

LEE:  Jayme Closs: 13-year-old girl who disappeared after murder of her parents is found alive

Patterson said he had driven to Jayme’s house twice “with the intention of kidnapping her” before October 15, according to the complaint.

On the night of October 15, Jayme woke to the sound of his dog’s barking. He saw a car approaching on the driveway, according to the complaint.

He woke up his father and went to investigate, according to the complaint. Jayme said there was a man at the door with a gun, and she and her mother hid in the bathroom. Then he heard that they killed his father.

Jayme’s mother hugged her daughter in a bear hug in the bathtub, Patterson told investigators. While his mother called 911, Jayme said Patterson “broke the bathroom door and told his mother to hang up the phone,” according to the complaint.

The teenager said Patterson, wearing a mask, “told his mother to tape him (Jayme’s) mouth, and then Patterson shot his mother,” the complaint says.

LOOK:  Jake Patterson confessed to killing a couple and kidnapping the daughter

Police found James Closs’s body near the front door and Denise Closs’s body in the bathtub, the complaint says. Jayme said he thought they had both been shot, according to the complaint.

He said that Patterson wrapped his hands and ankles around his back with black tape, dragged her to his vehicle, an old red four-door car, and put it in the trunk, the complaint said.

The complaint says that Jayme “said he heard the sirens of two patrols that passed shortly after Patterson began driving.”

“Bad things would happen”

Jayme said he felt he traveled in Patterson’s trunk for about two hours before arriving at the house where he had it. Inside the house, located about 120 kilometers away, in rural Gordon, he said he put the clothes in a bag and “made a comment about not having proof,” according to the complaint.

Jayme said Patterson sometimes had friends, said the complaint, and “made it clear that no one knew that she was there or that bad things could happen to her.”

“Patterson had Jayme hide under the bed in his bedroom,” the complaint said.

“When he made it hide under the bed, [Jayme] said he piled bags and baskets of clothes around the bed with weights (like weights) stacked against them, so he could not move them without him detecting it,” he says. the complaint.

MIRA:  They look for a 13-year-old girl in Wisconsin after her parents were found dead

Once, Jayme said that he accidentally moved one of the bags when they told him to hide under the bed and Patterson told him something bad would happen if he did it again, according to the complaint.

Patterson played loud music to hide that he was there if there was someone else in the home, according to the complaint.

The lawsuit says that Jayme “claimed that Patterson came to force her to stay under the bed for up to twelve hours without food, water or toilets.”

At one point, she said that Patterson got angry and hit her “very hard” on the back with something that looked like an instrument to clean blinds.

“I want to go home”

“There were at least two occasions when (Patterson) thought that (Jayme) had tried to get out from under the bed and hit a wall and screamed so much she knew that she was scared and knew it was better not to try again,” she says. the complaint.

But last Thursday, she escaped. He managed to “remove the boxes and weights from the bed and crawl out,” when Patterson said he would leave for five or six hours, according to the complaint.

She put on a pair of Patterson shoes and left the house, where she met a neighbor, Jeanne Nutter, who was walking her dog.

Nutter clearly remembers some things that Jayme said, according to the complaint: “I’m Jayme Closs.” “I do not know where I am”. “He killed my parents.”

“Help please, I want to go home.”

Marlena Baldacci of CNN contributed to this report.