CNNE 716398 - presidente de ecuador promete restablecer el orden
Lenín Moreno: Restableceremos el orden en todo el Ecuador
16:22 ET (20:22 GMT) 12 de octubre de 2019
Lenín Moreno, presidente de Ecuador, prometió restablecer el orden en todo el país tras anunciar un toque de queda en Quito. Moreno reiteró sus acusaciones de que los instigadores de las violencia en las protestas son grupos al margen de la ley, así como seguidores del expresidente Rafael Correa. LEE más aquí.
00:59 - Fuente: CNN
CNNE 716398 - presidente de ecuador promete restablecer el orden
Lenín Moreno: Restableceremos el orden en todo el Ecuador
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Samuel Doria explica el proceso de selección del candidato de la oposición en Bolivia
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HOWARD AIR FORCE BASE,- JANUARY3:  In this photo released 04 January 1990 by the Defense Department, Panamian General Manuel Noriega (C) is brought on board a US military plane 3 January 1990 for a flight to Miami after his arrest.  (Photo credit should read STF/AFP via Getty Images)
Hubo negociaciones secretas para la salida de Noriega de Panamá, según Fernando Berguido
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Samuel Doria explica cómo se prepara la oposición de Bolivia para evitar un posible fraude electoral
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General Manuel Antonio Noriega speaks 20 May 1988 in Panama City during the presentation of colors to the San Miguel Arcangel de San Miguelito volunteer batallion. Noriega said that discussions with the U.S. could not continue as long as the U.S. continued its agression and that Panamian democracy will not follow an North American schedule. (Photo credit should read ANGEL MURILLO/AFP via Getty Images)
Fernando Berguido: Noriega se volvió enemigo de EE.UU. en un momento crucial para Panamá
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Jorge “Tuto” Quiroga. Archivo.
Bolivia: Samuel Doria opina sobre las declaraciones de Quiroga en las que dice que su candidatura es “irreversible”
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SANTIAGO, CHILE - DECEMBER 20: Newly elected President Gabriel Boric speaks with the media after meeting with President of Chile Sebastian Piñera at La Moneda Presidential Palace on December 20, 2021 in Santiago, Chile. Candidate Boric of leftist party Apruebo Dignidad defeated right wing candidate Jose Antonio Kast with 55% of the votes in the run-off. (Photo by Marcelo Hernandez/Getty Images)
“Argentina es un país hermano”: Gabriel Boric responde a comentario de ministro de Economía de Argentina
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Las palabras de Daddy Yankee mientras ingresaba al Tribunal por una demanda contra su esposa
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El Salvador espera la resolución de la Corte IDH en el caso "Beatriz"
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Fieles cubanos, en procesión al Rincón de San Lázaro
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Former Bolivian President Evo Morales waves to supporters during a rally against President Luis Arce in El Alto, Bolivia, September 23, 2024. Clashes between supporters of President Luis Arce and indigenous leader Evo Morales on September 22 near La Paz, left eight people injured, to which President Arce warned that he "will not allow" a "civil war" in Bolivia. (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP) (Photo by AIZAR RALDES/AFP via Getty Images)
Evo Morales: “Intentaron destrozarnos éticamente, políticamente, jurídicamente, físicamente y ahora quieren encarcelarnos”
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BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA - NOVEMBER 07: Former Bolivian President Evo Morales waves during a press conference as he expresses his gratitude to the Argentine government and population for having received him as a political exiled at Hotel Quagliaro on November 7, 2020 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Morales announced he will start traveling to La Quiaca, Jujuy where he will cross the Argentine-Bolivian border on November 11. President elect of Bolivia Luis Arce from Morales political party MAS will take office on Sunday 8. (Photo by Ricardo Ceppi/Getty Images)
Exfiscal explica los escenarios que enfrentaría Evo Morales si comparece ante la Justicia por caso de trata
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El expresidente de Bolivia Evo Morales. Crédito: Ricardo Ceppi/Getty Images
Acusan penalmente a Evo Morales por trata y tráfico de personas
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Pepe Mujica dijo en entrevista con CNN que quiere ser enterrado junto a su perra Manuela
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Dengue fever patients rest under a mosquito net at the Hospital Escuela Universitario in Tegucigalpa on July 12, 2024. . An outbreak of dengue fever in Central America has left a hundred dead this year, with Guatemala accounting for half of the deaths, health officials reported on Friday. (Photo by Orlando SIERRA / AFP) (Photo by ORLANDO SIERRA/AFP via Getty Images)
Incremento de casos de dengue en Guatemala prende las alertas
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Experto analiza la situación legal de Boluarte en caso de ser hallada culpable de abandonar su cargo
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