CNNE 656971 - atropellan a seis ninos en lima, peru
Un auto se sale del carril y atropella a seis niños en Lima
18:15 ET (22:15 GMT) 4 de junio de 2019
Seis menores resultaron heridos en Lima, Perú, al ser atropellados por un auto que se salió del carril. La conductora del vehículo es una maestra de la institución a la que asisten cinco de los afectados en el incidente.
00:32 - Fuente: CNN
CNNE 656971 - atropellan a seis ninos en lima, peru
Un auto se sale del carril y atropella a seis niños en Lima
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Lluvias en Ecuador ayudan a sofocar incendios que arrasaron más de 38.000 hectáreas
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TOPSHOT - A couple embraces as smoke rises from a bushfire on a hill in Quito on September 25, 2024. Firefighters and helicopters were battling five forest fires Wednesday on the outskirts of Quito that have left six people injured and led to the evacuation of over 100 families. (Photo by Galo Paguay / AFP) (Photo by GALO PAGUAY/AFP via Getty Images)
Detienen a sospechosos de causar incendios forestales en Ecuador
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¿Pueden los partidos de centro favorecer a los extremos en América Latina? La mirada de Andrés Oppenheimer
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TOPSHOT - Army soldiers help firefighters to combat a bushfire on a hill in Quito on September 25, 2024. Firefighters and helicopters were battling five forest fires Wednesday on the outskirts of Quito that have left six people injured and led to the evacuation of over 100 families. (Photo by Galo Paguay / AFP) (Photo by GALO PAGUAY/AFP via Getty Images)
Declaran emergencia por incendios en Quito y detienen a sospechoso
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 ¿Votaría la vicepresidenta de Ecuador por Daniel Noboa? Así contestó Verónica Abad
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Vicepresidenta Abad afirma que enfrenta persecución política por parte de Noboa
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Vicepresidenta Abad asegura que no entiende la ruptura con el presidente Noboa
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Ecuador's president-elect Daniel Noboa (L) and vice president-elect Veronica Abad gesture before receiving their credentials at the Sucre Theater in Quito on November 15, 2023. Noboa will be sworn in as president for a 17-month term on November 25, finishing the term of outgoing President Guillermo Lasso, who called a snap election to avoid a possible impeachment over alleged embezzlement. (Photo by Rodrigo BUENDIA / AFP) (Photo by RODRIGO BUENDIA/AFP via Getty Images)
Daniel Noboa, presidente de Ecuador, en conflicto con su vicepresidenta
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Incendios en Ecuador: Se intensifican las llamas en varias zonas de Quito
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Firefighters take position during a wildfire in Quito on September 24, 2024. At least three forest fires were burning simultaneously in Quito, covering it again with smoke and ash, amid a 'water crisis' caused by Ecuador's worst drought in 61 years. (Photo by Galo Paguay / AFP) (Photo by GALO PAGUAY/AFP via Getty Images)
Bosques de América Latina están en llamas: la situación en Ecuador, Bolivia y Paraguay
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Reportera de CNN se queda sin aire ante la nube de humo por los incendios forestales en Quito
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Así impacta el humo de los incendios forestales en Quito
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TOPSHOT - A hill burns during a wildfire in Quito on September 24, 2024. At least three forest fires were burning simultaneously in Quito, covering it again with smoke and ash, amid a 'water crisis' caused by Ecuador's worst drought in 61 years. (Photo by Galo Paguay / AFP) (Photo by GALO PAGUAY/AFP via Getty Images)
Así se viven los infernales incendios en Ecuador que obligan a Noboa a cancelar discurso en la ONU
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Diputada Luisa Nayar: Dudo que la gente permita el atropello de Arce o de Evo Morales
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Former Bolivian President Evo Morales waves to supporters during a rally against President Luis Arce in El Alto, Bolivia, September 23, 2024. Clashes between supporters of President Luis Arce and indigenous leader Evo Morales on September 22 near La Paz, left eight people injured, to which President Arce warned that he "will not allow" a "civil war" in Bolivia. (Photo by AIZAR RALDES / AFP) (Photo by AIZAR RALDES/AFP via Getty Images)
Crece en Bolivia la disputa entre Evo Morales y el presidente Luis Arce
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- Fuente: CNN