A Ukrainian serviceman walks by an Antonov An-225 Mriya aircraft destroyed during fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces at the Antonov airport in Hostomel, Ukraine, Saturday, April 2, 2022. At the entrance to Antonov Airport in Hostomel Ukrainian troops manned their positions, a sign they are in full control of the runway that Russia tried to storm in the first days of the war.
Este video muestra la destrucción del avión más grande del mundo en Ucrania
22:25 ET (02:25 GMT) 4 de abril de 2022
El avión comercial más grande del mundo —el Antonov AN-225— no volverá a volar luego del retiro de las tropas rusas hace una semana del aeródromo de Hostómel, a las afueras de la capital Kyiv. En el siguiente video te decimos las razones.
01:24 - Fuente: CNN
A Ukrainian serviceman walks by an Antonov An-225 Mriya aircraft destroyed during fighting between Russian and Ukrainian forces at the Antonov airport in Hostomel, Ukraine, Saturday, April 2, 2022. At the entrance to Antonov Airport in Hostomel Ukrainian troops manned their positions, a sign they are in full control of the runway that Russia tried to storm in the first days of the war.
Este video muestra la destrucción del avión más grande del mundo en Ucrania
En curso
- Fuente: CNN