MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - AUGUST 13: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, president of Mexico speaks during the announcement that Mexico and Argentina will produce the Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine at Palacio Nacional on August 13, 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico. The reached agreement includes a initial production of 150 million doses of the potential COVID-19 vaccine with British global bio-pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. The vaccines for Latin America (except Brazil) will be produced in Argentina and Mexico.
López Obrador: Si el pueblo se autolimita, no debe haber medidas extremas por covid-19
20:52 ET (01:52 GMT) 7 de diciembre de 2020
El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, descartó que se vayan a tomar medidas drásticas ante la pandemia porque según él, si el pueblo es consciente, responsable y sabe autolimitarse, no se debe pensar en fatalidades y extremismos. La declaración del mandatario se da cuando México registra un aumento de contagios de covid-19 y una mayor ocupación hospitalaria.  MIRA: México prepara un plan nacional de vacunación para combatir el nuevo coronavirus
05:05 - Fuente: CNN
MÁS DE CNN 1 videos
MEXICO CITY, MEXICO - AUGUST 13: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, president of Mexico speaks during the announcement that Mexico and Argentina will produce the Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine at Palacio Nacional on August 13, 2020 in Mexico City, Mexico. The reached agreement includes a initial production of 150 million doses of the potential COVID-19 vaccine with British global bio-pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. The vaccines for Latin America (except Brazil) will be produced in Argentina and Mexico.
López Obrador: Si el pueblo se autolimita, no debe haber medidas extremas por covid-19
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- Fuente: CNN