Opposition supporters rally in support of their newly elected deputies during their installation, in front of the the National Assembly in Caracas, on January 5, 2016 in support of their newly elected deputies in the day of their installation. Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro ordered the security forces to ensure the swearing-in of a new opposition-dominated legislature passes off peacefully Tuesday, after calls for rallies raised fears of unrest. AFP PHOTO/RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP / RONALDO SCHEMIDT
Los retos de la política en Latinoamérica
11:30 ET (16:30 GMT) 5 de enero de 2016
2016 traerá para la región elecciones en Perú, Republica Dominicana y Nicaragua. Además, los gobiernos de Maduro, Obama, Rousseff y Santos ocasionarán grandes cambios. El analista Michael Shifter los explica en CNN
09:30 - Fuente: CNN
Opposition supporters rally in support of their newly elected deputies during their installation, in front of the the National Assembly in Caracas, on January 5, 2016 in support of their newly elected deputies in the day of their installation. Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro ordered the security forces to ensure the swearing-in of a new opposition-dominated legislature passes off peacefully Tuesday, after calls for rallies raised fears of unrest. AFP PHOTO/RONALDO SCHEMIDT / AFP / RONALDO SCHEMIDT
Los retos de la política en Latinoamérica
En curso
- Fuente: CNN