People demonstrate outside the National Congress in Buenos Aires, on March 15, 2015, against the bill brokered by Argentine President Mauricio Macri's administration, aimed at putting an end to Argentinas long-standing legal battle against so called vulture funds suing the country over its defaulted bonds more than a decade ago. The bill must be approved by the Congress.  AFP PHOTO / EITAN ABRAMOVICH / AFP / EITAN ABRAMOVICH
¿En manos de quién están los 'fondos buitres' de Argentina?
14:34 ET (18:34 GMT) 17 de marzo de 2016
Tras un largo debate, la Cámara de Diputados del país aprobó un proyecto de ley para pagar los llamados "fondos buitres". Iván Pérez Sarmenti informa desde Buenos Aires.
01:47 - Fuente: CNN
People demonstrate outside the National Congress in Buenos Aires, on March 15, 2015, against the bill brokered by Argentine President Mauricio Macri's administration, aimed at putting an end to Argentinas long-standing legal battle against so called vulture funds suing the country over its defaulted bonds more than a decade ago. The bill must be approved by the Congress.  AFP PHOTO / EITAN ABRAMOVICH / AFP / EITAN ABRAMOVICH
¿En manos de quién están los 'fondos buitres' de Argentina?
En curso
- Fuente: CNN