ADDS NAME OF GIRL - Pope Francis reaches to give a blessing to Sophie Cruz, 5, from suburban Los Angeles, during a parade in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015. She also delivered a bright yellow T-shirt and a letter expressing wishes that her mother and father and millions of others who are in the U.S. illegally are allowed to remain in the country. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, Pool)
Sofía, la niña que pidió al papa ayuda para inmigrantes
08:18 ET (12:18 GMT) 24 de septiembre de 2015
La niña de origen mexicano logró pasar la seguridad durante el recorrido del papa por las calles de Washington hasta lograr acercarse al pontífice y abrazarlo
00:33 - Fuente: CNN
MÁS DE CAFÉ CNN 1 videos
ADDS NAME OF GIRL - Pope Francis reaches to give a blessing to Sophie Cruz, 5, from suburban Los Angeles, during a parade in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 23, 2015. She also delivered a bright yellow T-shirt and a letter expressing wishes that her mother and father and millions of others who are in the U.S. illegally are allowed to remain in the country. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, Pool)
Sofía, la niña que pidió al papa ayuda para inmigrantes
En curso
- Fuente: CNN