Photo: El Chapo under arrest
 In a joint Mexican and US operation, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, the head of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel, was captured Saturday at beach resort in Mazatlan, Mexico. Guzman is considered one of the most powerful drug traffickers in the world. Guzman faces multiple federal drug trafficking indictments in the U.S.,  and is on the Drug Enforcement Administration's most-wanted list. His drug empire stretches throughout North America and reaches as far away as Europe and Australia.
El más buscado en México se fuga otra vez de la cárcel
11:23 ET (15:23 GMT) 12 de julio de 2015
El Chapo se fugó por un túnel de más de 1.500 metros por abajo del penal de El Altiplano
07:33 - Fuente: CNN
MÁS DE VIDEO 1 videos
Photo: El Chapo under arrest
 In a joint Mexican and US operation, Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, the head of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel, was captured Saturday at beach resort in Mazatlan, Mexico. Guzman is considered one of the most powerful drug traffickers in the world. Guzman faces multiple federal drug trafficking indictments in the U.S.,  and is on the Drug Enforcement Administration's most-wanted list. His drug empire stretches throughout North America and reaches as far away as Europe and Australia.
El más buscado en México se fuga otra vez de la cárcel
En curso
- Fuente: CNN