Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (C) arrives in Tlahuelilpan, after a leaking gas pipeline triggered a blaze, Hidalgo state, Mexico, on January 19, 2019. - A leaking fuel pipeline triggered a massive blaze in central Mexico, killing at least 20 people and injuring another 54, officials said. Omar Fayad, governor of Hidalgo state, said locals at the site of the leak were scrambling to steal some of the leaking oil when at least 20 of them were burned to death. (Photo by ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)
López Obrador: "Estamos consternados por estos hechos"
10:04 ET (15:04 GMT) 19 de enero de 2019
El presidente de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, dijo estar consternado por la tragedia a causa de la explosión de un ducto de gasolina en el estado de Hidalgo.
00:52 - Fuente: CNN
MÁS DE CNN 1 videos
Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (C) arrives in Tlahuelilpan, after a leaking gas pipeline triggered a blaze, Hidalgo state, Mexico, on January 19, 2019. - A leaking fuel pipeline triggered a massive blaze in central Mexico, killing at least 20 people and injuring another 54, officials said. Omar Fayad, governor of Hidalgo state, said locals at the site of the leak were scrambling to steal some of the leaking oil when at least 20 of them were burned to death. (Photo by ALFREDO ESTRELLA / AFP)
López Obrador: "Estamos consternados por estos hechos"
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- Fuente: CNN