CNNE 1653526 - espana reconoce a mujeres buscadoras de desaparecidos en mexico
Organización que busca desaparecidos en México es reconocida por España
22:49 ET (02:49 GMT) 27 de marzo de 2024
Fundej, una organización de Jalisco, en México, que apoya a familias que buscan a personas desaparecidas, recibió el premio de Derechos Humanos Rey de España dotado con US $ 27.000. La organización, que nació en 2013 en Jalisco, estado que ocupa el primer lugar nacional en número de desaparecidos, afirma que este problema persistirá mientras no se reconozca la violencia generalizada que vive el país.
04:46 - Fuente: CNN
CNNE 1653526 - espana reconoce a mujeres buscadoras de desaparecidos en mexico
Organización que busca desaparecidos en México es reconocida por España
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El humo proveniente de incendios de Bolivia y Brasil llega varias provincias de Argentina
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Former film producer Harvey Weinstein appears in Manhattan Criminal Court for a pretrial hearing, following his overturned sex crimes conviction, in New York City, July 19, 2024. Weinstein may face new sexual assault charges ahead of his retrial, Manhattan prosecutors said July 9, 2024. Authorities are investigating "additional violent sexual assaults" allegedly carried out by Weinstein that are not subject to a statute of limitations, assistant district attorney Nicole Blumberg said. (Photo by Steven Hirsch / POOL / AFP) (Photo by STEVEN HIRSCH/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
Hospitalizan de emergencia a Harvey Weinstein
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TOPSHOT - This aerial view shows the wreckage of the military helicopter that crashed on the eve in Pasaquina, El Salvador, on September 9, 2024. Police director and leader of the 'war' against gangs, Commissioner Mauricio Arriaza, and his companions were killed when the military helicopter they were travelling in crashed in northeastern El Salvador, the army said. (Photo by Marvin RECINOS / AFP) (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS/AFP via Getty Images)
Lo que sabemos del accidente de helicóptero en el que murió el director de la Policía de El Salvador
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Salvadoran National Civil Police director general Mauricio Arriaza takes part in a crime prevention operation at the Altavista neighborhood in Ilopango, El Salvador, late on February 25, 2021. - Salvadoran security authorities implemented the so-called "territorial control plan" in areas strong gang activity to reduce daily homicide rate. (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS / AFP) (Photo by MARVIN RECINOS/AFP via Getty Images)
Muere en incidente aéreo Mauricio Arriaza, director de la Policía Nacional de El Salvador
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Wildfires burn the forests in the Reserva (Reserve) Recursos Manejados Lago Ypacara in San Bernardino, Paraguay, on September 23, 2023. (Photo by NORBERTO DUARTE / AFP) (Photo by NORBERTO DUARTE/AFP via Getty Images)
Incendio forestal afecta la región del Chaco, entre Bolivia y Paraguay
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Cable car cabins descend from El Alto to La Paz, mostly covered by smoke from forest fires in eastern Bolivia, on September 9, 2024. (Photo by JORGE BERNAL / AFP) (Photo by JORGE BERNAL/AFP via Getty Images)
Ordenan cambiar modalidad de clases por incendios en Bolivia
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Former Uruguayan President Jose Mujica arrives at a press conference to present the formal entry of Uruguayan journalist and writer Blanca Rodriguez (out of frame) into the Frente Amplio (FA) leftist political coalition, for which she will run for the Senate under Mujica's MPP party, at the FA's headquarters in Montevideo on August 27, 2024. Former Uruguayan President José Mujica returned home on Tuesday after being hospitalized for 24 hours for a deterioration of his kidney function due to the oncological treatment he received, but "he is fragile," his personal doctor said. (Photo by Pablo PORCIUNCULA / AFP) (Photo by PABLO PORCIUNCULA/AFP via Getty Images)
Operan al expresidente José Mujica
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clipped thumbnail - edmundo-gonzalez-urrutia-espana-salida-venezuela-tv - CNN ID 20942819 - 00:00:25;20
“Continuaremos la lucha por la democracia en Venezuela”: el mensaje de Edmundo González al llegar a España
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People take part in a march against the government of Honduran President Xiomara Castro in Tegucigalpa on September 6, 2024. Thousands of right-wing opponents marched Friday with torches in Honduras against the government of leftist Xiomara Castro for canceling the extradition treaty with the United States that allowed the imprisonment of fifty drug traffickers. (Photo by STRINGER / AFP) (Photo by STRINGER/AFP via Getty Images)
Opositores al gobierno de Xiomara Castro marcharon en Tegucigalpa
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Análisis de diferencias y similitudes entre la ultraderecha europea y la latinoamericana
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Exiliado político nicaragüense dice que estar libre es como volver a nacer
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(L-R) US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President of the Dominican Republic Luis Abinader hold a joint news conference at the National Palace on September 6, 2024, in Santo Domingo. (Photo by ROBERTO SCHMIDT / POOL / AFP) (Photo by ROBERTO SCHMIDT/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
“Estamos profundamente preocupados por Venezuela tras las elecciones”: Así habló Blinken en reunión con Abinader
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¿Qué ocurre con la salud de José Mujica? Esto dice su médica personal
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El presidente de Guatemala responde si acogerían presos políticos de Venezuela
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El presidente de Guatemala dice que acogida de excarcelados nicaragüenses fue un acto de solidaridad
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